Source code for detrex.layers.box_ops

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# Utilities for bounding box manipulation and GIoU
# Modified from:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

from typing import Tuple
import torch
from torchvision.ops.boxes import box_area

[docs]def box_cxcywh_to_xyxy(bbox) -> torch.Tensor: """Convert bbox coordinates from (cx, cy, w, h) to (x1, y1, x2, y2) Args: bbox (torch.Tensor): Shape (n, 4) for bboxes. Returns: torch.Tensor: Converted bboxes. """ cx, cy, w, h = bbox.unbind(-1) new_bbox = [(cx - 0.5 * w), (cy - 0.5 * h), (cx + 0.5 * w), (cy + 0.5 * h)] return torch.stack(new_bbox, dim=-1)
[docs]def box_xyxy_to_cxcywh(bbox) -> torch.Tensor: """Convert bbox coordinates from (x1, y1, x2, y2) to (cx, cy, w, h) Args: bbox (torch.Tensor): Shape (n, 4) for bboxes. Returns: torch.Tensor: Converted bboxes. """ x0, y0, x1, y1 = bbox.unbind(-1) new_bbox = [(x0 + x1) / 2, (y0 + y1) / 2, (x1 - x0), (y1 - y0)] return torch.stack(new_bbox, dim=-1)
[docs]def box_iou(boxes1, boxes2) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor]: """Modified from ``torchvision.ops.box_iou`` Return both intersection-over-union (Jaccard index) and union between two sets of boxes. Args: boxes1: (torch.Tensor[N, 4]): first set of boxes boxes2: (torch.Tensor[M, 4]): second set of boxes Returns: Tuple: A tuple of NxM matrix, with shape `(torch.Tensor[N, M], torch.Tensor[N, M])`, containing the pairwise IoU and union values for every element in boxes1 and boxes2. """ area1 = box_area(boxes1) area2 = box_area(boxes2) lt = torch.max(boxes1[:, None, :2], boxes2[:, :2]) # [N,M,2] rb = torch.min(boxes1[:, None, 2:], boxes2[:, 2:]) # [N,M,2] wh = (rb - lt).clamp(min=0) # [N,M,2] inter = wh[:, :, 0] * wh[:, :, 1] # [N,M] union = area1[:, None] + area2 - inter iou = inter / (union + 1e-6) return iou, union
[docs]def generalized_box_iou(boxes1, boxes2) -> torch.Tensor: """ Generalized IoU from The input boxes should be in (x0, y0, x1, y1) format Args: boxes1: (torch.Tensor[N, 4]): first set of boxes boxes2: (torch.Tensor[M, 4]): second set of boxes Returns: torch.Tensor: a NxM pairwise matrix containing the pairwise Generalized IoU for every element in boxes1 and boxes2. """ # degenerate boxes gives inf / nan results # so do an early check assert (boxes1[:, 2:] >= boxes1[:, :2]).all() assert (boxes2[:, 2:] >= boxes2[:, :2]).all() iou, union = box_iou(boxes1, boxes2) lt = torch.min(boxes1[:, None, :2], boxes2[:, :2]) rb = torch.max(boxes1[:, None, 2:], boxes2[:, 2:]) wh = (rb - lt).clamp(min=0) # [N,M,2] area = wh[:, :, 0] * wh[:, :, 1] return iou - (area - union) / (area + 1e-6)
[docs]def masks_to_boxes(masks) -> torch.Tensor: """Compute the bounding boxes around the provided masks The masks should be in format [N, H, W] where N is the number of masks, (H, W) are the spatial dimensions. Returns: torch.Tensor: a [N, 4] tensor with the boxes in (x0, y0, x1, y1) format. """ if masks.numel() == 0: return torch.zeros((0, 4), device=masks.device) h, w = masks.shape[-2:] y = torch.arange(0, h, dtype=torch.float) x = torch.arange(0, w, dtype=torch.float) y, x = torch.meshgrid(y, x) x_mask = masks * x.unsqueeze(0) x_max = x_mask.flatten(1).max(-1)[0] x_min = x_mask.masked_fill(~(masks.bool()), 1e8).flatten(1).min(-1)[0] y_mask = masks * y.unsqueeze(0) y_max = y_mask.flatten(1).max(-1)[0] y_min = y_mask.masked_fill(~(masks.bool()), 1e8).flatten(1).min(-1)[0] return torch.stack([x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max], 1)