class, augmentation_with_crop, is_train=True, mask_on=False, img_format='RGB')[source]

A callable which takes a dataset dict in Detectron2 Dataset format, and map it into the format used by DETR.

The callable currently does the following:

  1. Read the image from “file_name”

  2. Applies geometric transforms to the image and annotation

  3. Find and applies suitable cropping to the image and annotation

  4. Prepare image and annotation to Tensors

  • augmentation (list[]) – The geometric transforms for the input raw image and annotations.

  • augmentation_with_crop (list[]) – The geometric transforms with crop.

  • is_train (bool) – Whether to load train set or val set. Default: True.

  • mask_on (bool) – Whether to return the mask annotations. Default: False.

  • img_format (str) – The format of the input raw images. Default: RGB.

Because detectron2 did not implement RandomSelect augmentation. So we provide both augmentation and augmentation_with_crop here and randomly apply one of them to the input raw images.