
detrex provides an editable installation way for you to develop your own project based on detrex’s framework.


  • Linux with Python ≥ 3.7

  • PyTorch ≥ 1.10 and torchvision matches the PyTorch insallation. Install them following the official instructions from to make sure of this.

Build detrex from Source

gcc & g++ ≥ 5.4 are required as detectron2, ninja is optional but recommended for faster build. After having them, install detrex as follows:

  • Firstly, create a conda virtual environment named detrex and activate it

$ conda create -n detrex python=3.7 -y
$ conda activate detrex
  • Secondly, clone detrex and initialize the detectron2 submodule.

$ git clone
$ cd detrex
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
  • Finally, install detectron2 and build an editable version of detrex for better usage.

$ python -m pip install -e detectron2
$ pip install -e .
  • To rebuild detrex that’s built from a local clone, use rm -rf build/ to clean the old build first.

  • To ensure proper installation of the customized CUDA operator, make sure your environment has the CUDA runtime correctly installed and verify that the CUDA_HOME environment parameter is set to the CUDA dir. If not, you can manually set it using the command export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda-11.3 (this is just an example).

Verify the installation

To verify whether detrex is installed correctly, we provide some sample codes for users to run an inference demo to confirm it. Note that if you’ve not installed CUDA operator (e.g. MultiScaleDeformableAttention) correctly, You can still train the model that does not use the customized CUDA operator (e.g. DAB-DETR, DN-DETR, etc).

Step 1. Download the pretrained weights and demo image.

cd detrex

# download pretrained DAB-DETR model

# download pretrained DINO model

# download the demo image

Step 2. Verify the inference demo.

Option (a). Inference pretrained weights on demo image.

python demo/ --config-file projects/dab_detr/configs/ \
                    --input "./idea.jpg" \
                    --output "./demo_output.jpg" \
                    --opts train.init_checkpoint="./dab_detr_r50_50ep.pth"

You can check the demo_output.jpg and see the detected objects on chair, plants, etc.

To verify if the customized CUDA operator is correctly installed, you can inference the demo image with DINO pretrained weights as:

python demo/ --config-file projects/dino/configs/ \
                    --input "./idea.jpg" \
                    --output "./demo_output.jpg" \
                    --opts train.init_checkpoint="./dino_r50_4scale_12ep.pth"

The visualization results will be like:


Option (b): You can also verify the inference results on standard dataset like COCO 2017 val:

To evaluate DAB-DETR using single node with 4 gpus:

export DETECTRON2_DATASETS=/path/to/datasets

python tools/ --config-file projects/dab_detr/configs/ \
                          --num-gpus 4 \
                          --eval-only \

Expected results:

Evaluation results for bbox:
|   AP   |  AP50  |  AP75  |  APs   |  APm   |  APl   |
| 43.277 | 63.895 | 45.884 | 23.399 | 47.059 | 62.113 |

To evaluate DINO using single node with 4 gpus:

export DETECTRON2_DATASETS=/path/to/datasets

python tools/ --config-file projects/dino/configs/ \
                          --num-gpus 4 \
                          --eval-only \

Expected results:

Evaluation results for bbox:
|   AP   |  AP50  |  AP75  |  APs   |  APm   |  APl   |
| 49.193 | 66.649 | 53.800 | 32.295 | 52.485 | 63.567 |

Common Installation Issues

If you meet some installation problems with detectron2, please see detectron2 installation issues for more details.

Click each issue for its solutions:

NotImplementedError: Cuda is not availabel

If you’re running with slurm, make sure that CUDA runtime has been installed. Please specify the environment CUDA_HOME to the path of CUDA dir, e.g., CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda-11.3 which is the default path to the installed CUDA runtime.